How do you display Drawables from Android in a React Native app?

I end up trying to see the icons of other apps installed on the device. App icons can be collected using PackageManager.getApplicationIcon(packageName)

the Android side, but this returns Drawable.

How can I render this Drawable in a React Native app? Doesn't worry about iOS cross-compatibility.


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1 answer

From what I can understand, you just want to show the app icon images in your own react image. If yes, then you should follow these steps:

  • Convert your Drawable to Bitmap . This includes some native code which you can find in this answer - / ...
  • Convert bitmap to Base64 string . This can be found at / ...
  • Send the string back to the native side . Let's say you have a base64 string in a variable appIcon


You can render it using a component <Image/>

in the responsive native language as:

<Image style={{height: 50, width: 50}} resizeMode={'contain'} source={{uri: appIcon}} />




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