Tensorflow Object Detection API for Windows

Tensorflow recently released a new object detection api Is there a way to run this on windows? Directions for Linux.


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4 answers

We do not officially support the Tensorflow Object Discovery API, but some external users got it working.

Our dependencies are pillow, lxml, jupyter, matplotlib and protobuf. You can download the protobuf compiler version here . The rest of the dependencies can be installed using pip.



As I said in another post , you can use your local GPU on Windows as Tensorflow supports GPUs in python.

And here is an example.

Unfortunately Tensoflow does not support tensorflow-serving

in windows. Also, as you said, is Nvidia-Docker

not supported on windows. Bash on windows

does not support GPU. So I think this is the only easy way right now.



Yes, you can run the Tensorflow Object Discovery API on Windows. Unfortunately, this is a bit tricky and the official documentation does not reflect it properly. I used the following procedure:

  • Install Tensorflow natively on Windows using Anaconda + CUDA + cuDNN . Note that TF 1.5 is now built against CUDA 9.0, so be sure to download the appropriate versions.
  • Then you clone the repository and create the Protobuf files as described in the tutorial, but be careful, there is a bug in Windows Protobuf 3.5 , so make sure you are using version 3.4 .

    cd [TF-models]\research
    protoc.exe object_detection/protos/*.proto --python_out=.

  • Finally, you need to build and install packages with

    cd [TF-models]\research\slim
    python setup.py install
    cd [TF-models]\research
    python setup.py install

    If you get an exception error: failed to create "BUILD": unable to create file, if this file already exists, first delete the BUILD file, it will be automatically created

  • And make the inline binaries available to your python path or just copy the directories slim

    and object_detection

    into the directory[Anaconda3]/Lib/site-packages

To see everything collected, check out our music object detector , which was trained in Windows and Linux.



The tutorial below was specifically designed to use the Tensorflow Object Discovery API on Windows. I have successfully used below tutorial many times:




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