Entity Framework modifies collection property with change detection

For performance reasons I have AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false in DbContext.

Updating simple properties and reference properties all works fine, but I'm having problems with collection properties that are multivalued and don't have a union class.

This is a shorthand code trying to add to a collection:

var item = context.Set<Item>().FirstOrDefault();    
var category = context.Set<Category>().FirstDefault();

context.Entry(item).Collection(i => i.Categories).CurrentValue.Add(category);


But it does nothing, after SaveChanges the database is the same as it is. Is this the right way to do it?


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2 answers





context.Entry(item).State = EntityState.Modified;




I always thought that EF performed DetectChanges

as part of SaveChanges

whatever. But check the source code shows that even then DetectChanges

is not performed when AutoDetectChangesEnabled

there is false


I think in your case, the best you can do is override SaveChanges

so that it always detects changes before saving:

public override int SaveChanges()
    var detectChanges = this.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled;
        this.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true;
        return base.SaveChanges();
        this.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = detectChanges;


An alternative would be to call ChangeTracker.DetectChanges();

in the override, but by setting AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true

, EF itself will choose the moment when to call DetectChanges

at time SaveChanges

, which seems to me preferable.



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