Unncaught TypeError: Unable to read property 'prototype' from undefined base.js remote.js YouTube scripts in Chrome

When visiting a page with embedded YouTube or Google Analytics video in Google Chrome (I'm using version 59.0.3071.109 (official build) (64-bit)), the browser console starts repeating the following sequence without stopping:

Unncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined
    at Object.g.p (base.js:30)
    at remote.js:85
    at remote.js:168
g.p @ base.js:30
(anonymous) @ remote.js:85
(anonymous) @ remote.js:168


Script URLs (bit ID changes):

https://www.youtube.com/yts/jsbin/player_ias-vflAQ2ruD/sk_SK/remote.js https://www.youtube.com/yts/jsbin/player-vflppxuSE/sk_SK/base.js

This does not happen in Edge or Chrome Incognito, but it does happen when Chrome is started with plugins and extensions disabled normally.

Is there a way to find out what is causing these scripts, given that the tab becomes very unresponsive as soon as it loads?


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