How to show ports on which Odoo server is running

How to display all running odoo instance in my terminal and how to force stop all instances.


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3 answers

Dispaly all running odoo instance:

sudo ps aux | grep openerp


Stop all running odoo instances:

sudo kill -9 {id}




You can use the following command to determine the state of the server named

ps -aef|grep odoo



ps -aef|grep openerp


To kill

sudo kill -9 porcess_id




If you want to show a specific process in Ubuntu using the terminal, then the PS

command is used.

ps - Reports a snapshot of the current processes.

ps displays information about a selection of active processes.

To see every process on the system using BSD syntax:

ps ax
ps axu


Now use the special process from the process list, so use the command grep


grep - print lines matching pattern

grep searches for named input FILES (or standard input if no filenames are specified, or if the filename is a single hyphen-minus (-)) for lines that match the given PATTERN. By default grep prints matching lines.

We now find the odoo server process, so use the following command using the command PIP


ps -ax | grep openerp


Conclusion, i.e.

After the kill openerp service, using the command Kill


kill -9 <pid_number>


  kill -9 9941

After executing the kill command, the openerp

service / server is closed. And after you want to check that the service is starting or not, PS

execute the command again to check that the process is turned off or on.



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