DBeaver file encoding (cp1250 - Windows-1250) - change default encoding?

I have a problem setting the encoding in DBeaver, specifically Encoding the SQL file (not encoding db!) To cp1250 (Windows-1250)

There is no need to set such encoding for new files / scripts - right-click the "Scripts" folder (or the entire project folder from which scripts are inherited): Properties / resources / text file encoding.

The problem is opening existing scripts from text files (SQL Editor / Load script). They are loaded in UTF-8 which appears as deaf encoding. There is no easy way to change the encoding after opening ...

Does anyone know how to change the default encoding for DBeaver (or for open files)? I can't find the answer anywhere ...


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1 answer

see the capture file below for a detailed explanation. Hope this helps (if still relevant) ...

Visual Explanation



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