Fix several conditions for AddOrUpdate () in EF 6
The next statement in EF 6
db.ReceivedMessages.AddOrUpdate(r => r.PatientId == status.PatientId &&
r.DialogId == status.ConversationId, record);
throws an exception:
Property Expression 'r => Convert (((r.PatientId == Conversion (value (ManagerDB + <> c__DisplayClass6_0) .status.PatientId)) AndAlso (r.DialogId == value (ManagerDB + <> c__DisplayClass6_0) .status.ConversationId ))) It does not work. The expression must represent a property: C #: 't => t.MyProperty' VB.Net: 'Function (t) t.MyProperty'. When specified, multiple properties use an anonymous type: C #: 't => new {t.MyProperty1, t.MyProperty2}' VB.Net: 'Function (t) New with {t.MyProperty1, t.MyProperty2}'.
Changed expression:
db.ReceivedMessages.AddOrUpdate(r => new { r.PatientId, r.DialogId }, record);
There is one more exception:
Binary operator Equal is not defined for types 'System.Nullable`1 [System.Guid]' and 'System.Guid'.
How to use it correctly AddOrUpdate()
for updating by 2 columns: if there is a PatientId-DialogId pair - update the record, if not - insert a new one?
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Bug in EF 6.2.0:
Workaround: Install EF Beta or Paste-Update as shown in the comment above:
ReceivedMessage record = db.ReceivedMessages.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PatientId == status.PatientId &&
p.DialogId == status.ConversationId);
// Add new if not exists
bool newRecord = false;
if (record == null)
record = new ReceivedMessage();
record.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
newRecord = true;
// Save fields
// ...
// Save to DB
if (newRecord) // Workaround for EF 6.1 bug:
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