R: Documenting ellipsis arguments with roxygen2 in S4 generic
I have a number of functions that have associated methods with different arguments that I want to combine into a common one. Is there a standard method for documenting arguments passed through ellipsis with the generic S4 method? Ideally, I would like to concatenate the arguments passed to the various methods for maximum readability.
This is how I am currently trying to do it based on what I read in Documenting Multiple Functions in One File :
#' A class
#' @export
setClass("A", slots = c(a = 'numeric'))
#' B class
#' @export
setClass("B", slots = c(b = 'numeric'))
#' foo generic
#' foo generic description
#' @param object The object
#' @param x shared argument
#' @param ... other arguments passed to methods
#' @export
setGeneric("foo", function(object, x, ...) standardGeneric("foo"))
#' foo method A
#' foo method A description
#' @param y method A argument
#' @rdname foo
#' @export
setMethod("foo", "A", function(object, x, y = 1) {NULL})
#' foo method B
#' foo method B description
#' @param z method B argument
#' @rdname foo
#' @export
setMethod("foo", "B", function(object, x, z = 2) {NULL})
The result is pretty close to what I want, but all the extra arguments are just grouped after the ellipses.
foo(object, x, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'A'
foo(object, x, y = 1)
## S4 method for signature 'B'
foo(object, x, z = 2)
object: The object
x: shared argument
...: other arguments passed to methods
y: method A argument
z: method B argument
Is there a way to explicitly mark parameters as belonging to a specific method / class (not just writing it down in the description), similar to the usage section, or should I use a completely different structure?
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