IOS Swift 3 - Has anyone managed to implement the new GMSPlacePickerViewController Google Place API with UI?

I am currently rebuilding an application using the PlacePicker from the Google Place API to get data that the user can add to my map.

I have used GMSPlacePicker in the past, which is now deprecated since Google released their API Place 2.3. So I am currently trying to migrate to a new way of using the API via the GMSPlacePickerViewController , which according to google can be implemented using the UI.

From google documentation :

Since the place collector is a regular controller, it can be displayed in any way you want. For example, in full screen full screen mode, navigation stack or even as part of the user interface of a custom application .

I was able to make the GMSPlacePickerViewController part of my wider navigation controller that allows me to go back and forth inside the place picker screens, however I have not yet been able to customize the search bar UI we see in the third one in the image below.


The text inside the SearchBar is black and I want to make it white, but I don't know how to access the searchBar and its properties, since everything seems to be abstracted within the framework. I would also like to change the Select Location heading (Figure 2) to something smaller.

Any thoughts? thanks in advance

enter image description here


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2 answers

You can change this with proxies UIAppearance

as described in Use UIAppearance protocol ( GMSPlacePickerViewController

used GMSAutocompleteViewController


// Color of typed text in the search bar.
NSDictionary *searchBarTextAttributes = @{
                                          NSForegroundColorAttributeName: lightGray,
                                          NSFontAttributeName : [UIFont systemFontOfSize:[UIFont systemFontSize]]
[UITextField appearanceWhenContainedInInstancesOfClasses:@[[UISearchBar class]]]
    .defaultTextAttributes = searchBarTextAttributes;




Andrew's answer worked for me at the end. I converted it to Swift 3.0 for those who might need it in the future. You can simply add the following to your AppDelegate.swift file in doneFinishLaunchingWithOptions :

Also searchBarTextAttributes is a dictionary so feel free to add additional properties there to customize even more.

let searchBarTextAttributes = [NSForegroundColorAttributeName: UIColor.white]

UITextField.appearance(whenContainedInInstancesOf:[UISearchBar.self]).defaultTextAttributes = searchBarTextAttributes




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