Passing datetime from angular $ http.get request to Web API 2 controller

I have a web API 2 controller:

public IHttpActionResult Get(DateTime date)
    return Ok(date);


And the angular $ http call:

$http.get("/api/MyRoute/" + new Date());


It doesn't work, I am getting 404 error.

I also get this error after 404:

XMLHttpRequest cannot load http: // localhost: 2344 / api / MyRoute / 2017-06-28T00: 00: 00.000Z . Pre-flight request response does not pass access control check. There is no "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header on the requested resource.

But if I change the parameter to anything other than the date it works on.

I've tried new Date (). toISOString () and does the same.

So how do I pass the date from angular to the web API controller?


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1 answer

The problem is related to the datetime specification in the routing attribute. The solution was to just remove it and define the route like this

public IHttpActionResult Get(DateTime date)
    return Ok(date);


And then call the api from the client

$http.get("/api/MyRoute?date=" + new Date().toISOString());




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