Angular 4 server side rendering in Asp.Net MVC 5 Framework (non Core)

I am trying to set up a project in Asp.Net 4.5.2 (VS2017) using Angular 4.
All examples seem to use Asp.Net Core, but we try not to jump into .NET Core only if possible.
We would like to have server side rendering, although the samples seem to use this attribute asp-prerender-module

from "Microsoft ASP.NET Core JavaScript Services".
Is it possible to render Angular 4 backend with MVC 5?


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1 answer

Asp.Net Framework (non Core) support is officially missing.
As stated in :

In addition to node.js, however, Angular Universal has ASP.NET Core support. We hope to add support for Java, PHP and Python in the near future

EDIT : "Microsoft ASP.NET Core JavaScript Services" only supports ASP.NET Core, which means the site needs to deploy the ASP.NET Core style. But this one can work in .NET 4.5.2 , so you can reference your old old .NET Framework libraries in your project.



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