How do I add a design-time description to a property implemented through an extension provider?

I know that I can add a Design-time Designer description to a custom control property by doing the following:

<Category("Data"), Description("This describes this awesome property")>
Public Property Foo As Boolean
End Property


What I want to do is the same, but the properties that my extension provider component exposes to other controls on my form, so that when I click on the property value field, for For example, I would see the description I wrote for him. Searched a lot for an answer but no success yet. Should I add something to my getter and setter methods for the property?



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1 answer

Would I have to add something to my getter and setter methods for the property?

Yes. Add a method DescriptionAttribute

to a method Get[PropertyName]

. The same goes for any other attributes (they don't seem to work with Set


<Category("ListContolExtender"), DisplayName("DisplayMode"),
Description("My very clever description")>
Public Function GetDisplayMode(ctl As Control) As ItemDisplays
    If extData.ContainsKey(ctl) Then
        Return extData(ctl).DispMode
        Return ItemDisplays.Enabled
    End If
End Function

Public Sub SetDisplayMode(ctl As Control, v As ItemDisplays)
    If extData.ContainsKey(ctl) Then
        extData(ctl).DispMode = v
        Dim e As New ExtenderData
        e.DispMode = v
        extData.Add(ctl, e)
    End If
End Sub


enter image description here


hides all DisplayMode on ListBoxExtender




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