Counting / getting "level" of hierarchical data

Well, I really don't know if this is the correct title, but I don't know what to call it. My question is about my homework, I have been working for several hours. The topic is "functional data structures" and I'm a little stuck at a certain point and I have no idea how to proceed.

So, I need to write a function with this signature:

data Heap e t = Heap {
contains :: e -> t e -> Maybe Int


To illustrate this, I got some variable:

 x =   2
    3     4
  6   7     5

 x = Node 2 (Node 3 (Node 6 Empty Empty) (Node 7 Empty Empty)) (Node 4 Empty (Node 5 Empty Empty))


So this is some tree data.

  contains heap 2 x  returns  Just 0
  contains heap 6 x  returns  Just 2
  contains heap 42 x  returns  Nothing


So, if an integer behind the heap exists in x, "contains" will return "Just y", where y is the "Level" of the tree. In my example: 2 got level 0, 3 and 4 got level 1, etc. And that's where my problem is. I have a function that can tell if an integer is in the tree or not, but I have no idea how to get this "level" (I don't know how to call it any other way).

My function looks like this:

contains = \e t -> case (e,t) of
   (_,Empty) -> Nothing
   (e , Node x t1 t2) ->
        if e == (head (heap2list heap (Node x t1 t2)))
            then Just 0
            else if ((contains heap e t1) == Just 0)
                     then Just 0
                     else contains heap e t2


With this, if an integer is included, it will return "Just 0" and "Nothing". By the way, I am not allowed to use any of the "helper" functions I wrote. The function that I authorize to use:

empty :: t e                --Just returns an empty heap
insert :: e -> t e -> t e   --insert an element into a heap
findMin :: t e -> Maybe e   --find Min in a heap
deleteMin :: t e -> Maybe (t e)   -- delete the Min in a heap
merge :: t e -> t e -> t e        -- merges 2 heaps
list2heap :: Heap x t -> [x] -> t x   -- converts a list into a heap
heap2list :: Heap x t -> t x -> [x]   -- converts a heap into a list


these functions are given. card, crease, crease ... are also allowed. I tried to keep the question short, so if any information is not ready I am ready to edit it.

I would be very grateful for any help. Please remember that this is homework and I want to really do it myself and ask this question here, this is my last option.

Working code:

   contains = \e t -> case (e,t) of
(_,Empty) -> Nothing
(e , Node x t1 t2) ->
    if e == (head (heap2list heap (Node x t1 t2)))
        then Just 0
        else if (fmap (+1) (contains heap e t1))== Nothing
                    then (fmap (+1) (contains heap e t2))
                    else (fmap (+1) (contains heap e t1))


Now the code is working and all the "homework" is done, but in my opinion it looks like pretty ugly code. Can I update it somehow?


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1 answer

The problem is that the specification is currently incomplete. Should the solution be a width at first or left / right offset depth algorithm?

The first solution using only the Prelude function would be

-- Example data structure
data Tree e = Node e (Tree e) (Tree e) | Empty

-- Actual definition
contains e (Node c _ _)
 | e == c = Just 0
contains e (Node _ l r) = fmap (+ 1) $ case (contains e l, contains e r) of
                                            (Just a, Just b) -> Just $ min a b
                                            (Just a, _) -> Just a
                                            (_, b) -> b
contains _ Empty = Nothing

-- Given testdata:
x = Node 2 (Node 3 (Node 6 Empty Empty) (Node 7 Empty Empty)) (Node 4 Empty (Node 5 Empty Empty))

contains 2 x -- Just 0
contains 6 x -- Just 2
contains 42 x -- Nothing

-- unspecified example:
--          1
--      1       1
--    1   2        1
-- 2                  1
--                       2

x = Node 1 (Node 1 (Node 1 (Node 2 Empty Empty) Empty) (Node 2 Empty Empty)) (Node 1 Empty (Node 1 Empty (Node 1 Empty (Node 2 Empty Empty))))
contains 2 x -- Just 2 = breath-first
contains 2 x -- Just 3 = left biased depth-first
contains 2 x -- Just 4 = rigth biased depth-first


Any offset depth should be easily obtained.



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