I want to prevent using the loop twice in twig symfony3

I have multiple images and I want to make this carousel. But I don't want to iterate over the images twice.

Can this be done?

My code:

<div id="main-slider">
    {% for image in images %}
        <img src="/images/{{ image.url }}"/>
    {% endfor %}
<div id="main-slider-nav">
    {% for image in images %}
        <img src="/images/{{ image.url }}"/>
    {% endfor %}


As you can see, the loop is there twice. Is there a good way not to do this?


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1 answer

If you prefer, you can create a string with dynamic values ​​(image tag lists) and then use a div in the container, like so:

    {%set accumulator = '' %}

    {% for image in images %}
        {%set accumulator = accumulator ~ '<img src="/images/'~image.url~'"/>' %}
    {% endfor %}

<div id="main-slider">
 {{ accumulator|raw }}
<div id="main-slider-nav">
 {{ accumulator|raw }}


Twigfiddle sample works here

Hope for this help



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