Why can't Swift more or less than operators compare options when equality operators can?

In Swift 3, it is a compilation error if I use >


let a: Int?
guard a > 0 else {return}
guard a < 0 else {return}


Compilation error:

Value of the optional type 'Int?' does not unfold; you wanted to use '!' or '?'?

But it's ok if I compare with ==


let a: Int?
guard a == 0 else {return}
guard a != 0 else {return}



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3 answers

It makes sense for the equality operator to support helper members, since it's absolutely clear that for any integer variable i


  • nil == nil

  • nil != i

  • i != nil

  • i == i

    if and only if their values ​​are the same

On the other hand, it is not clear how the comparison with nil


Is it i

less nil


  • If I want to sort the array so that everything nil

    comes out at the end, then I would like it to i

    be smaller nil

  • But if I want to sort the array so that everything nil

    comes out at the beginning, then I would like it to i

    be greater than nil


Since either of them is equally true, it makes no sense for the standard library to support one over the other. It was left to the programmer to realize that the comparison makes sense for their use.

Here's a toy that generates a comparison operator in any of them:

func nilComparitor<T: Comparable>(nilIsLess: Bool) -> (T?, T?) -> Bool {
    return {
        switch ($0, $1) {
            case (nil, nil): return true
            case (nil, _?): return nilIsLess
            case (_?, nil): return !nilIsLess
            case let (a?, b?): return a < b

let input = (0...10).enumerated().map {
    $0.offset % 2 == 0 ? Optional($0.element) : nil

print("Input:", input)
print("nil is less: ", input.sorted(by: nilComparitor(nilIsLess: true)))
print("nil is more: ", input.sorted(by: nilComparitor(nilIsLess: false)))



Input: [Optional (0), zero, optional (2), zero, optional (4), zero, Optional (6), nil, Optional (8), nil, Optional (10)]

nil is less than: [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, optional (0), optional (2), Optional (4), Optional (6), Optional (8), Optional (10)]

nil is greater than: [Optional (0), Optional (2), Optional (4), Optional (6), Optional (8), Optional (10), nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]



This is because Int

and Int?

are two different things.

According to the documentation , it Int

has overloads for <

and >

and some other operators, while optionally only has overloads for ==

and !=

, see the documentation in the Advanced section , in the section on comparing optional values.



Complementary equality works logically, but comparison does not.

  • 5 == 5 = true
  • 5 == nil = false
  • 5 == 6 = false
  • nil == nil = true

This all makes sense, but it doesn't:

  • 6> 5 = true
  • 5> 5 = false
  • 5> nil = ??
  • nil> 5 = ??

This type of comparison has no simple answer, and this answer will not be the same depending on the use case.



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