Cloning an array in Javascript / Typescript

I have an array of two objects:

genericItems: Item[] = [];
backupData: Item[] = [];


I am filling my HTML table with data genericItems

. The table is modifiable. There is a reset button to undo all changes made with backUpData

. This array is populated by the service:

getGenericItems(selected: Item) {
  result => {
     this.genericItems = result;
     this.backupData = this.genericItems.slice();


My idea was that the user changes would be reflected in the first array and the second array could be used as a backup for the reset operation. The problem I'm running into here is that the user is modifying the table ( genericItems[])

, the second array is backupData

also changing).

How does this happen and how to prevent it?


source to share

13 replies

Try the following:

Clone array:

const myClonedArray  = Object.assign([], myArray);


Clone object:

const myClonedObject = Object.assign({}, myObject);




Cloning arrays and objects in JavaScript has a different syntax . Sooner or later, everyone learns the difference and ends up here.

In Typescript and ES6, you can use the spread operator for array and object:

const myClonedArray  = [...myArray];  // This is ok for [1,2,'test','bla']
                                      // But wont work for [{a:1}, {b:2}]. 
                                      // A bug will occur when you 
                                      // modify the clone and you expect the 
                                      // original not to be modified.
                                      // The solution is to do a deep copy
                                      // when you are cloning an array of objects.


To make a deep copy of an object, you need an external library:

import * as cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep';
const myClonedArray = cloneDeep(myArray);     // This works for [{a:1}, {b:2}]


The spread operator also works on an object, but it will only make a shallow copy (first layer of children)

const myShallowClonedObject = {...myObject};   // Will do a shallow copy
                                               // and cause you an un expected bug.


To make a deep copy of an object, you need an external library:

 import * as cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep';
 const deeplyClonedObject = cloneDeep(myObject);   // This works for [{a:{b:2}}]




Using a map or other similar solution will not help you deeply clone an array of objects. An easier way to do this without adding a new library is to use JSON.stringfy and then JSON.parse.

In your case, this should work:

this.backupData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(genericItems));




the easiest way to clone an array is

backUpData = genericItems.concat();


This will create new memory for array indices



Try the following:


var objects = [{ 'a': 1 }, { 'b': 2 }];

var shallow = _.clone(objects);
console.log(shallow[0] === objects[0]);
// => true




The next line of your code creates a new array, copies all object references from genericItems

into this new array, and assigns it backupData


this.backupData = this.genericItems.slice();


So, while backupData

and genericItems

are different arrays, they contain the same exact object references.

You can bring a deep copy library for you (as @LatinWarrior mentioned).

But if Item

not too complicated, maybe you can add a method to it clone

to deep clone an object:

class Item {
  somePrimitiveType: string;
  someRefType: any = { someProperty: 0 };

  clone(): Item {
    let clone = new Item();

    // Assignment will copy primitive types

    clone.somePrimitiveType = this.somePrimitiveType;

    // Explicitly deep copy the reference types

    clone.someRefType = {
      someProperty: this.someRefType.someProperty

    return clone;


Then call clone()

for each element:

this.backupData = => item.clone());




Below code can help you to copy first level objects

let original = [{ a: 1 }, {b:1}]
const copy = [ ...original ].map(item=>({...item}))


, so for the case below, the values ​​remain unchanged

copy[0].a = 23
console.log(original[0].a) //logs 1 -- value didn't change voila :)


Crash for this case

let original = [{ a: {b:2} }, {b:1}]
const copy = [ ...original ].map(item=>({...item}))
copy[0].a.b = 23;
console.log(original[0].a) //logs 23 -- lost the original one :(


Final tip:

I would say go for the lodash cloneDeep

API, which helps you copy objects within objects by completely dereferencing them from the original. It can be installed as a separate module.

Refer to the documentation:

Custom package :



I have the same problem with the primeNg DataTable parameter. After trying and crying, I fixed the problem using this code.

private deepArrayCopy(arr: SelectItem[]): SelectItem[] {
    const result: SelectItem[] = [];
    if (!arr) {
      return result;
    const arrayLength = arr.length;
    for (let i = 0; i <= arrayLength; i++) {
      const item = arr[i];
      if (item) {
        result.push({ label: item.label, value: item.value });
    return result;


To initialize the backup value

backupData = this.deepArrayCopy(genericItems);


To discard changes

genericItems = this.deepArrayCopy(backupData);


The magic bullet is to recreate the elements using {}

constructor calls instead. I've tried new SelectItem(item.label, item.value)

that doesn't work.



It looks like you got it wrong about where you are making a copy of the array. Take a look at my explanation below and a slight modification to the code that should work, helping you reset the data to a previous state.

In your example, I see the following:

  • you are making a request to get shared items
  • after you get the data you set the results to this.genericItems
  • directly after that you set backupData as result

As I understand it, you do not want the 3rd item in this order?

Would it be better:

  • you are making a data request
  • create a backup of the current this.genericItems file
  • then set genericItems as the result of your request

Try the following:

getGenericItems(selected: Item) {
    result => {
       // make a backup before you change the genericItems
       this.backupData = this.genericItems.slice();

       // now update genericItems with the results from your request
       this.genericItems = result;




It sounds like you want a Deep Copy of the object. Why not use it Object.assign()

? No libaries needed and its a one-liner :)

getGenericItems(selected: Item) {
        result => {
            this.genericItems = result;
            this.backupDate = Object.assign({}, result); 
            //this.backupdate WILL NOT share the same memory locations as this.genericItems
            //modifying this.genericItems WILL NOT modify this.backupdate


More on Object.assign()




You can use the map function

 toArray= => x);




If your elements in the array are not primitive, you can use the spread operator for that.

this.plansCopy = => ({...obj}));


Full answer: / ...



Try it

const returnedTarget = Object.assign(target, source);


and pass an empty array to the target

if complex objects work like this for me

$.extend(true, [], originalArray)

in case of an array

$.extend(true, {}, originalObject)

in case of object



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