Is there a way to inject the EntityManager into the service

When used, Symfony 3.3

I declare a service like this:

class TheService implements ContainerAwareInterface
    use ContainerAwareTrait;


Inside every activity where I need an EntityManager, I get it from the container:

$em = $this->container->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');


This is a little annoying, so I'm curious if Symfony has anything that acts like EntityManagerAwareInterface



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2 answers

Traditionally, you would create a new service definition in your file services.yml

to set the entity manager as an argument to your constructor

    class: AppBundle\Services\TheService
    arguments: ['@doctrine.orm.entity_manager']


Most recently, with the release of symfony 3.3, the default symfony-standard-edition changed its default file to services.yml

use autowire

and added all the classes in AppBundle

for maintenance. This removes the need to add a personalized service and using a type hint in your constructor will automatically inject the correct service.

Your class of service will look like this

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface

class TheService
    private $em;

    public function __construct(EntityManagerInterface $em)
        $this->em = $em;

    // ...


For more information on automatically detecting service dependencies, see

A new default config file services.yml

is available here:



Sometimes I inject EM into a service in a container like this in services.yml:

      class: path\to\te\Service
        entityManager: '@doctrine.orm.entity_manager'


And then in the service class, get it by the __construct method. Hope it helps.



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