How to avoid long switch-case statement in Go

I'm writing a chatbot in Go and wondering how I can avoid a long switch-case statement like this:

switch {

// @bot search me HMAC
case strings.Contains(message, "search me"):
    query := strings.Split(message, "search me ")[1]
    return webSearch(query), "html"

// @bot thesaurus me challenge
case strings.Contains(message, "thesaurus me"):
    query := strings.Split(message, "thesaurus me ")[1]
    return synonyms(query), "html"


Should I define these handlers each in a separate package or should I just use structs and interfaces? What method will allow me to have a good structure, avoid the switch case, and allow external developers to make it easier to create handlers?

I think packages would be the best choice, but I'm not sure how to register handlers with the main bot. Nice to appreciate the example.


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1 answer

You can use map[string]command

similar to how the package net/http

registers handlers. Something similar to this:

package main

import (

type BotFunc func(string) (string, error)

type BotMap map[string]BotFunc

var Bot = BotMap{}

func (b BotMap) RegisterCommand(command string, f BotFunc) error {
    if _, exists := b[command]; exists {
        return errors.New("command already exists")
    b[command] = f
    return nil

func (b BotMap) Execute(statement string) (string, error) {
    // parse out command and query however you choose (not this way obviously)
    command := statement[:9]
    query := statement[10:]

    return b.ExecuteQuery(command, query)

func (b BotMap) ExecuteQuery(command, query string) (string, error) {
    if com, exists := b[command]; exists {
        return com(query)
    return "", errors.New("command doesn't exist")


func main() {
    err := Bot.RegisterCommand("search me", func(query string) (string, error) {
        fmt.Println("search", query)
        return "searched", nil
    if err != nil {
    err = Bot.RegisterCommand("thesaurus me", func(query string) (string, error) {
        fmt.Println("thesaurus", query)
        return "thesaurused", nil
    if err != nil {

    result, err := Bot.Execute("search me please")
    if err != nil {


Obviously there are many disadvantages here, but this is the main idea.



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