How do I graphically render / add a branch in Jenkins?

I am building a pipeline for Jenkins build and I was wondering if it is possible in some way to tag / render a build branch in Jenkins in the same way as it is possible in TeamCity.

I am using a declarative pipeline defined in a separate git repository and Jenkins 2.46.3.

It is not obvious from the figure that the last 2 builds were performed on a separate branch: enter image description here



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1 answer

You can change the display name and description of the current assembly using the following code:

currentBuild.displayName = env.BRANCH_NAME
currentBuild.description = 'Final Release'


This was highlighted recently in the BlueOcean 1.1 announcement , which shows that both of them, as opposed to the normal interface, only show displayName


An example modified displayName

from our public instance looks like this:

enter image description here

You can find the code that generates this in our shared library here and here , mainly this:

currentBuild.displayName = "#${currentBuild.getNumber()} - ${newVersion} (${increment})"


As you mark Declarative Pipelines add that you have to wrap this code in a block of script

course. So likely (untested):

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Example') {
            steps {
                echo 'Hello World'

                script {
                    currentBuild.displayName = env.BRANCH_NAME


Alternatively, you can extract it into a separate function.



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