Template template parameter causing compiler error in clang

I have a template that compiles to MSVC (2017) but doesn't work in clang (4.0):

#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>

template <template <typename U, U, U> class, typename, typename>
struct meta_zip;

template <template <typename U, U, U> class OP, typename TA, TA... As, typename TB, TB... Bs>
struct meta_zip<OP, std::integer_sequence<TA, As...>, std::integer_sequence<TB, Bs...>>
    using common_type = typename std::common_type<TA, TB>::type;

    using type = std::integer_sequence<common_type, OP<common_type, As, Bs>::value...>;

template <template <typename U, U, U > class OP, typename A, typename B>
using meta_zip_t = typename meta_zip<OP, A, B>::type;

namespace impl

template <typename T, T A, T B>
using meta_zip_add = std::integral_constant<T, (A + B)>;


template <typename A, typename B>
using meta_zip_add = meta_zip<impl::meta_zip_add, A, B>;

template <typename A, typename B>
using meta_zip_add_t = typename meta_zip_add<A, B>::type;

template <int width>
class blend_low
    using counter1 = std::make_integer_sequence<int, 3>;
    using counter2 = std::make_integer_sequence<int, 3>;

    using value = meta_zip_add_t<counter1, counter2>;

int main()
    static constexpr auto foo = blend_low<4>::value();

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


I'm fairly new to templates and don't know how to rework OP

to make it work. I tried OP<U, U, U>

it but it doesn't seem to help.


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