Is CaaS a specific type of PaaS?

I recently asked myself if container as a service is a specific type of platform as a service or not. Is a Container a platform?


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1 answer

PaaS and CaaS are two different things.

On PaaS, you only run your code in a cartridge (which could be a virtual machine or even a container), but you will be able to run code supported by your PaaS provider. You cannot change the OS your code is running on. Example: Heroku

On CaaS, you will be able to run a container and you will not be limited to the languages ​​supported by your PaaS provider. You can run whatever you want in your container as long as the container engine is supported by your CaaS provider. Example: Amazon Container Services (ECS)

CaaS sits somewhere between infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS).

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