Creating a multi-column legend in a python offshore section

I am using seaborn.distplot

(python3) and want to have 2 labels for each series.

I've tried using the hacker strings method like so:

# bigkey and bigcount are longest string lengths of my keys and counts
label = '{{:{}s}} - {{:{}d}}'.format(bigkey, bigcount).format(key, counts['sat'][key])


In the console, where the text is fixed width, I get:

(-inf, 1)  -   2538
[1, 3)     -   7215
[3, 8)     -  40334
[8, 12)    -  20833
[12, 17)   -   6098
[17, 20)   -    499
[20, inf)  -     87


I am assuming the font used in the graphics is not a fixed width, so I want to know if there is a way that I can specify my legend to have labels with two aligned columns, and possibly call seaborn.distplot

with tuple

for label

kwarg (or what something works).

My plot for reference:

enter image description here

Looks good, but I really want the 2 labels for each series to line up somehow.


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1 answer

This is not a good solution, but hopefully a sane solution. The basic idea is to split the legend into 3 columns to align the target, make the descriptors on columns 2 and 3 invisible, and align column 3 to the right.

import io

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns

x = np.random.randn(100)
s = [["(-inf, 1)", "-", 2538],
     ["[1, 3)", "-", 7215],
     ["[3, 8)", "-", 40334],
     ["[8, 12)", "-", 20833],
     ["[12, 17)", "-", 6098],
     ["[17, 20)", "-", 499],
     ["[20, inf)", "-", 87]]

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for i in range(len(s)):
    sns.distplot(x - 0.5 * i, ax=ax)

empty = matplotlib.lines.Line2D([0],[0],visible=False)
leg_handles = ax.lines + [empty] * len(s) * 2
leg_labels = np.asarray(s).T.reshape(-1).tolist()
leg = plt.legend(handles=leg_handles, labels=leg_labels, ncol=3, columnspacing=-1)
plt.setp(leg.get_texts()[2 * len(s):], ha='right', position=(40, 0))


enter image description here



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