Function in python that returns file extension
I am new to Python. I would like to understand the following function, which returns the extension of this file:
def get_extn(filename):
return filename[filename.rfind('.'):][1:]
I don't understand why there are parentheses in rfind [] but not () and why there are: and [1:] before the parenthesis. I appreciate the explanation.
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What you see here is a function that has a two-fold slice syntax. For objects that support cut syntax, you can write:
with indices f
and t
. Then you f
end up with a subsequence starting with and ending with t
( t
is exclusive). If f
or t
not specified, it usually means that we are cutting from start to finish.
The function in your question is a bit critical and is actually equivalent to:
def get_extn(filename):
f = filename.rfind('.')
filename = filename[f:]
return filename[1:]
So first we get the index of the last point, then we construct a substring that starts with f
, and finally we construct a substring from that substring that starts at index 1 (thus removing the first character that is '.'
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You need to start by understanding python syntax.
The square brackets contain the accessors in the array, and the parentheses contain the function call. rfind is a function for which you enter the "." argument to find the period in the filename. the parentheses must extract elements in an array — both the elements in the filename and filename [], and elements from the array.
Colons,:, are slices within the array. [:] means the whole array, [1:] means the elements after the first. See Explain Fragment Notation
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I suggest using the os.path module to handle filenames and paths.
import os.path
for path in ('/tmp/file.txt', 'file.doc', 'file', 'file.a.b.c'):
basename, extension=os.path.splitext(path)
print("path: '{}', base: '{}' extension '{}'".format(path,basename,extension))
path: '/tmp/file.txt', base: '/tmp/file' extension '.txt'
path: 'file.doc', base: 'file' extension '.doc'
path: 'file', base: 'file' extension ''
path: 'file.a.b.c', base: 'file.a.b' extension '.c'
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