Retrieve set values ​​for each group variable in panel data

I have a panel dataset with a lot of groups. I have calculated the set values ​​for each group and I would like to combine all set values ​​into a new dataset. I am looking for a possible shortcut to avoid having to do this manually.

The next dataset is similar to the one I'm working on (much smaller scale by group).

dt <- data.frame("Group"=rep((LETTERS[1:10]), each=15),
  "Year"=2001:2015,"value"=5+rnorm(150, 3,1))
table(dt$Year, dt$Group)
dt_tbl1 <- dcast(dt,Year~Group)
tsMat <- ts(dcast(dt, Year ~ Group), start=2001, freq=1)
dt_ses <- lapply(tsMat, function(x) ses(x))


I am looking for some help to automate the next step. Add all other groups to the data frame.

dt_tbl2 <- data.frame("Year"=2001:2015,


And rename the variables in the new dataset to be in the original groups

names(dt_tbl2)[2:4] <- c("A_hat", "B_hat", "C_hat")


Once this is complete, dt_tbl2 should have the same format as dt_tbl1.

I tried using sapply () and lapply () but nothing seems to work. thanks to TCS


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2 answers

dt_tbl = data.frame(Year = c(tsMat[,1]), 
                    sapply(colnames(tsMat)[-1], function(col) {dt_ses[[col]]$fitted}))

names(dt_tbl)[-1] = paste0(names(dt_tbl)[-1], "_hat")


   Year    A_hat    B_hat    C_hat    D_hat    E_hat    F_hat    G_hat    H_hat    I_hat    J_hat
1  2001 7.618084 7.521736 8.709448 7.967254 8.096049 7.932307 7.997542 7.552510 7.855070 8.136634
2  2002 7.662074 7.521647 9.150131 7.967285 8.095947 7.932320 7.997708 7.552295 7.855037 8.136680
3  2003 7.234079 7.521702 9.005576 7.967083 8.096054 7.932381 7.997711 7.552369 7.855063 8.136535
4  2004 7.919614 7.521760 8.787972 7.967088 8.096149 7.932181 7.997613 7.552552 7.854865 8.136433
5  2005 8.073512 7.521898 8.865025 7.967149 8.096250 7.932232 7.997742 7.552446 7.854703 8.136329
6  2006 7.919455 7.521738 8.572195 7.967149 8.096238 7.932222 7.997629 7.552423 7.854840 8.136423
7  2007 7.706265 7.521663 7.864789 7.967141 8.096114 7.932165 7.997734 7.552438 7.854872 8.136405
8  2008 7.010270 7.521775 7.802812 7.967079 8.095963 7.932270 7.997677 7.552331 7.854913 8.136533
9  2009 6.888603 7.521787 7.992457 7.967257 8.095926 7.932154 7.997648 7.552284 7.854947 8.136511
10 2010 6.951684 7.521864 8.130820 7.967297 8.095874 7.932169 7.997624 7.552245 7.855069 8.136587
11 2011 6.919762 7.521800 7.726980 7.967294 8.095964 7.932056 7.997646 7.552268 7.855106 8.136625
12 2012 7.976188 7.521912 7.670982 7.967325 8.095944 7.932025 7.997481 7.552206 7.855076 8.136553
13 2013 8.045479 7.521849 7.759875 7.967385 8.095928 7.932168 7.997529 7.552346 7.855074 8.136648
14 2014 8.437745 7.521808 7.485442 7.967260 8.096013 7.932149 7.997449 7.552503 7.855118 8.136644
15 2015 8.321283 7.521701 7.328202 7.967307 8.095962 7.932257 7.997381 7.552420 7.855088 8.136548




You can try transpose

from a package purrr

that transports nested lists.

t_dt_ses <- transpose(dt_ses)
dt_tbl3 <- data.frame(t_dt_ses$fitted)

# update the year column
dt_tbl3$Year<- 2001:2015

#   Year        A        B        C        D        E        F        G        H        I        J
# 1 2001 7.618084 7.521736 8.709448 7.967254 8.096049 7.932307 7.997542 7.552510 7.855070 8.136634
# 2 2002 7.662074 7.521647 9.150131 7.967285 8.095947 7.932320 7.997708 7.552295 7.855037 8.136680
# 3 2003 7.234079 7.521702 9.005576 7.967083 8.096054 7.932381 7.997711 7.552369 7.855063 8.136535
# 4 2004 7.919614 7.521760 8.787972 7.967088 8.096149 7.932181 7.997613 7.552552 7.854865 8.136433
# 5 2005 8.073512 7.521898 8.865025 7.967149 8.096250 7.932232 7.997742 7.552446 7.854703 8.136329
# 6 2006 7.919455 7.521738 8.572195 7.967149 8.096238 7.932222 7.997629 7.552423 7.854840 8.136423




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