Converting char * to structure

In the code here , there is a line:

struct iphdr * iph = (struct iphdr *)buffer;


in ProcessPacket

, where it buffer

is of type char*

. buffer

set to a value recvfrom

in the main function. How is a simple string ( buffer

) converted to a structure and how is the data retrieved safely?


struct iphdr {
    #if defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN_BITFIELD)
        __u8    ihl:4,
    #elif defined (__BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD)
        __u8    version:4,
        #error  "Please fix <asm/byteorder.h>"
         __u8   tos;
         __u16  tot_len;
         __u16  id;
         __u16  frag_off;
         __u8   ttl;
         __u8   protocol;
         __u16  check;
         __u32  saddr;
         __u32  daddr;
         /*The options start here. */



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3 answers

The first thing to understand is that the bits in memory remain exactly the same regardless of the cast (struct iphdr *)

. It's just that you are now saying that buffer

it should now be treated as a pointer to struct iphdr

instead of what it used to be. You are just telling the compiler to look at the bits with a different pair of points, and therefore interpret accordingly. The compiler suddenly sees that it has buffer

become struct iphdr *

. And he says "OK" that's all. What's important is you know exactly what it is buffer

and apply it to the correct type.

If you wanted, you could be of type buffer

before int *

(or any other pointer type) and the compiler wouldn't say anything. You will have problems later though.




not a string

. It is a pointer to raw binary data. recvfrom

fills in (in this example, see below) buffer

with raw IP / TCP frames (also called packets). Thus, the first sizeof(iphdr)

bytes buffer

are the IP-header a struct: iphdr

. This is why the blog author uses the snippet you provided:

struct iphdr * iph = (struct iphdr *)buffer;


If IP header options are enabled, the actual size of the header iph->ihl*4


The protocol field ( iph->protocol

) of the header is then checked in ProcessPacket

(in the blog) to determine which transport protocol the packet contains.

If the transport protocol used is TCP , then the TCP header (and then the data) can be retrieved using (snippet from the blog):

unsigned short iphdrlen = iph->ihl*4;
struct tcphdr *tcph = (struct tcphdr*)(buffer + iphdrlen);


Raw frames

The author of the blog created a socket using:

sock_raw = socket(AF_INET , SOCK_RAW , IPPROTO_TCP);


  • The first parameter AF_INET

    means that you want an IPv4 packet (as opposed AF_INET6

    to IPv6 ).
  • The second parameter tells socket

    you that you want raw frames
  • The third parameter ( IPPROTO_TCP

    ) makes sure you receive TCP frames

Alternatively, if you want UDP frames, you can use:

 sock_raw = socket(AF_INET , SOCK_RAW , IPPROTO_UDP);


If you are greedy and want to use every package (please read in frame format before using this!):

socket(AF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_ALL));




I think the code introduces undefined behavior because of the following two lines that are executed during the course of your program:

unsigned char *buffer = (unsigned char *)malloc(65536);
struct iphdr *iph = (struct iphdr*)buffer;



is a pointer to a block of memory, reserved as unsigned char*

, which is then mapped to a pointer of the type struct iphdr

; but struct iphdr

most likely has different alignment constraints than char*

, and this behavior is undefined (cf like this online c11 draft standard ): Pointers

(7) A pointer to an object type can be converted to a pointer to another object type. If the resulting pointer is incorrectly aligned for a reference type, the behavior is undefined ....

While it may work (which is still one of the UB variants), it could also be that the program behaves in a way that you don't intend to.

I would suggest copying the information into a properly aligned struct iphdr


unsigned char *buffer = (unsigned char *)malloc(65536);
struct iphdr iphobj;
memcpy(&iphobj,buffer,sizeof(struct iphdr));


Take care of the object's lifetime.

Note that you tagged the code with C

and C++

, and both languages ​​have different rules (for example, regarding explicit expression of the result malloc

, which is required in C ++ but not recommended in C).

But in regards to UB, I am absolutely sure that the code introduces UB in both C and C ++.



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