How do I write a parser that doesn't consume space?
I am writing a program to modify source code files. I need to parse a file (for example with megaparsec), modify its abstract AST syntax tree (for example, Uniplate) and restore the file with minimal changes (such as keeping spaces, comments, etc.).
So the AST must contain spaces, for example:
data Identifier = Identifier String String
where the first line is the name of the identifier and the second is the spaces after it. The same applies to any character in the language.
How do I write a parser for an ID?
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1 answer
I ended up writing parseLexeme to replace lexeme in this tutorial
data Lexeme a = Lexeme a String -- String contains the spaces after the lexeme
whites :: Parser String
whites = many spaceChar
parseLexeme :: Parser a -> Parser (Lexeme a)
parseLexeme p = do
value <- p
w <- whites
return $ Lexeme value w
instance PPrint a => PPrint (Lexeme a) where
pprint (Lexeme value w) = (pprint value) ++ w
The parser for the identifier becomes:
data Identifier = Identifier (Lexeme String)
parseIdentifier :: Parser Identifier
parseIdentifier = do
v <- parseLexeme $ (:) <$> letterChar <*> many (alphaNumChar <|> char '_')
return $ Identifier v
instance PPrint Identifier where
pprint (Identifier l) = pprint l
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