What's the recommended way to repeat SCAN in Lua for Redis?

I was looking for the recommended way to iterate through SCAN using Lua and wondered if there is a "best practice" to talk about this. The script below was the best I could find so far. Anyone have something to add? Can I iterate using COUNT 1000000000? Wouldn't that block?

local ans, has, cursor = {}, {}, "0";
    local t = redis.call("SCAN", cursor, "MATCH", KEYS[1], "COUNT", 1000000000);
    local list = t[2];
    for i = 1, #list do
        local s = list[i];
        if has[s] == nil then has[s] = 1; ans[#ans + 1] = s; end;
    cursor = t[1];
until cursor == "0";
return #ans; --or return ans;


Taken from: https://github.com/antirez/redis/issues/3190#issuecomment-214022437


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1 answer

The script will block while it runs and until the end - in your example, which will happen after SCAN

ning completes . The more COUNT

hints at the command SCAN

, the more results that each call will return, resulting in more RAM needed to store the response (variable t

). This can lead to a lack of memory, so you should refrain from using such large values COUNT

. I recommend sticking with the default (100) and just omitting the hint COUNT




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