How to organize Rmarkdown files (with brilliant runtime) inside a package

I currently have an analysis project that I was treating as a package. Therefore, I currently have the following structure:

|-- .Rbuildignore
|-- .gitignore
|-- inst
|-- vignettes
|-- R
`-- mycoolanalysispackage.Rproj


In the end, I usually make a lot of brilliant applications like Rmarkdown-flexdashboard with brilliant execution times.

  -- app1/
       |-- index.Rmd
  -- app2/
       |-- index.Rmd


My question is, which package subdirectory should I put these application directories (along with my files index.Rmd


I also have a local Shiny Server , what's the best way to link this Rmarkdown-flexdashboard app to this server?


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1 answer

As with everything else, you place them in a subfolder inst

when you design the package. When a package is installed, all the folders in the folder inst

will be moved to the package folder and therefore can be used as subfolders. So

|-- .Rbuildignore
|-- .gitignore
|-- inst
     |-- app1/
       |-- index.Rmd
     |-- etc...
|-- R
`-- mycoolanalysispackage.Rproj


To access files from an R function, you can use system.file


system.file("app1","index.Rmd",package = "mycoolanalysispackage")


will give you the exact path to the index.Rmd of the app1. This result can then be used to deploy the application using the appropriate functionality.

See also the Writing R Extensions guide (scroll down a bit)



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