Testing with models indexed by Laravel Scout fails

I am writing a test for finding models with a scout. I am on Laravel 5.4 and using a provider "tamayo/laravel-scout-elastic": "^3.0"


It looks like in my tests, the indexing of the created items does not complete when I start searching for the model. It's true? How can I fix this? My queue is already set to sync


set to false


Here is an example test that keeps failing (failed to claim that the search results contain the given post). Any help is appreciated.


namespace Tests\Unit;

use App\Models\Category;
use App\Models\Post;
use App\Models\User;
use Tests\TestCase;

class SearchTest extends TestCase
    /** @test * */
    public function it_searches_the_whole_category_tree_for_posts()
        // Given
        /** @var Category $parentCategory */
        $parentCategory = \factory(Category::class)->create([
            'title' => 'myParentCategory',
        /** @var Category $childCategory */
        $childCategory = \factory(Category::class)->create();
        /** @var Post $post */
        $post = \factory(Post::class)->create([
            'user_id' => \factory(User::class)->create()->id,

        // When
        $searchResults = Post::search('myParentCategory')->get();

        // Then
        $this->assertTrue($searchResults->contains($post), 'Failed asserting that search results contain the given post.');



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1 answer

What exactly are you testing here? Are you just checking what ::search('foo')

returns the results you want? If so, then you are actually verifying that Laravel Scout is functioning as expected, which is not, and should not be your / our job.

In most cases, you can check that you have configured your model correctly to use Laravel Scout as expected.

If a simple / dumb test is enough, then the code below should help:

namespace Tests\Unit;

use Tests\TestCase;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\RefreshDatabase;

class ScoutInstallTest extends TestCase
    use RefreshDatabase;

     * Verify the class uses Laravel Scout
     * @group scout-install
     * @test
    public function foo_model_uses_scout()
        $this->assertTrue(in_array('Laravel\Scout\Searchable', class_uses('App\FooModel')));

     * Verify that a searchable array does exists, and contains
     * the values we desire to search on.
     * @group scout-install
     * @test
    public function foo_model_has_valid_searchable_array()
        $fooModel = factory(\App\FooModel::class)->create();

            'title', // an array of keys that are being indexed.
        ] === array_keys($fooModel->toSearchableArray()));


Note: disable Laravel Scout in test environment; <env name="SCOUT_DRIVER" value="null"/>



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