How to return nothing for slicing a Python list

I want to have variables to control the number of items at the beginning and end of the list to skip for example.

skip_begin = 1
skip_end = 2
my_list = [9,8,7,6,5]


returns [8, 7].

How Why does slice [: -0] return an empty list in Python shows that skip_end = 0 gives an empty list.

In this case, I really want to just my_list [skip_begin:].

my_list[skip_begin:-skip_end if skip_end != 0 else '']


does not work. How can I return empty value in ternary operation?

I would rather use the ternary operation inside "[]" rather than

my_list[skip_begin:-skip_end] if skip_end != 0 else my_list[skip_begin:]


or an if-else block.


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3 answers

my_list[skip_begin:-skip_end if skip_end != 0 else None]


The problem with your first solution is that the index slicing expects a number (or null), not a string.

As an alternative:

my_list[skip_begin:-skip_end or None]




my_list[skip_begin:-skip_end if skip_end else None]


Your line:

my_list[skip_begin:-skip_end if skip_end != 0 else '']


could get you on the right track because it gives:

TypeError: slice indexes must be integer or None or have an __index__ Method

I am inspired by the previous answer, but the if skip_end != 0

same asskip_end



 my_list[skip_begin:-skip_end if skip_end != 0 else skip_begin:]




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