Mock SecurityContextHolder / Authentication always returns null

I know this question is asked a lot, but maybe I have some things that are especially important for this. I am trying to run some integration tests on a Spring Boot application that supports REST (not Spring MVC) and for some reason SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication()

always returns null, even when used @WithMockUser

in a test. I'm not sure if this has to do with the use of profiles in the config classes, but so far we haven't had any problems with that.


public ResponseEntity<EmployeeDTO> meGet() {
    Principal principal = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
    logger.debug("Endpoint called: me({})", principal);
    EmployeeDTO result;

    // Get user email from security context
    String email = principal.getName(); // NPE here

// ...



@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT,
        properties = {"eureka.client.enabled:false"})
@ActiveProfiles(value = "test")
public class MeControllerTest extends IntegrationSpringBootTest {

private TestRestTemplate restTemplate;

private SecurityContext securityContext;

private Authentication authentication;

private EmployeeRepository employeeRepository;

public static void setUp() {


public void resetMocks() {

public void meGet() throws Exception {

    ResponseEntity<EmployeeDTO> employeeDTOResponseEntity =
            this.restTemplate.getForEntity("/me", EmployeeDTO.class);
// ...


If I return mock Principal

instead mockEmployee()

, the test cannot even start because this is happening:

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Could not inject field: private com.gft.employee.controller.MeControllerTest.authentication; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException: Bean named '' is expected to be of type '' but was actually of type '$$$EnhancerByMockitoWithCGLIB$$657040e6'


Additional explanations. This Spring Boot application also uses OAuth2 for authorization, but it must be disabled for these tests. This is why we use profiles. Omitting the annotation @ActiveProfiles

gives us a 401 unauthorized error regarding the endpoint request.

I could use PowerMock, but I would like to avoid it if possible.


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1 answer

I ended up using MockMvc

, even though the application was not Spring MVC based. Also, I split the calls SecurityContext

to another service, but before that I could assert that the annotation was @WithMockUser

working correctly.

What's the key to doing this is to use these snippets at the class level:

@Import({ControllerConfiguration.class, BeanConfiguration.class})
public class MeControllerTest {
    // ...


Usage @WebMvcTest

makes it easier not to initialize SecurityContext

in the first place. You don't even need to call springSecurity()

. You can simply perform the operations mockMvc.perform()

as usual, and any calls to SecurityContext

return any mocked user that you specify, either with @WithMockUser

or by mocking the service that handles such a call.



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