Debugging from Chrome shows "Recover Pages?" pop-ups every time

If I click the stop debugging button while debugging my ASP.NET Core app in Google Chrome, it closes the Kestrel process window and the Chrome window that automatically opens when Debug starts. It's great and convenient!

Unfortunately, it looks like Visual Studio is closing Chrome in this way, confusing Chrome and making it think it crashed. So every time I run debug in Visual Studio a new Chrome window opens and I see this annoying popup:

I found a similar issue raised here, but this is for VS Code instead of VS2017. I don't think that's launch.json

a concept in VS2017, so I have no idea how to implement this workaround.

How can I prevent this? Thank!


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1 answer

Edit file: "% UserProfile% \ AppData \ Local \ Google \ Chrome \ User Data \ Standard \ Preferences"

Edit: "exit_type": "Crashed" to "exit_type": "normal"

and then close all open chrome windows



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