Git rev-parse - git -path-hooks always return absolute path

Is there an equivalent command for this that always returns the absolute path?

git rev-parse --git-path hooks


When I am in a submodule I get the absolute path, but when I am in the root repository I get

.git / Hooks


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1 answer

Git v2.13.0 has --absolute-git-dir


$ git rev-parse --absolute-git-dir


but not --absolute-git-path

, and, as you noticed, --git-path

produces a relative result:

$ git rev-parse --git-path hooks


If you have Git 2.13, you can combine them by prefixing the sh / bash environment variable:

$ GIT_DIR=$(git rev-parse --absolute-git-dir) git rev-parse --git-path hooks


If not - if your Git is older than 2.13, you can use readlink -f


$ GIT_DIR=$(readlink -f $(git rev-parse --git-dir)) git rev-parse --git-path hooks


(on a specific Linux image on my laptop, this Linux image has Git 2.7.4 installed).



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