Angular 2 Material Construction Multi-Screen Dropdown Hierarchy Parent Selection Status

I am working on creating a dropdown with multiple choices in Angular 2 using Material Design. There is a hierarchy in the items and I need to implement a parent-child selection logic similar to a typical tree-like structure where when parent is selected, all children are selected and deselect the parent, deselect all children. This part works great for me.

However, I am running into an issue when displaying the status of the parent when selecting a partial list of children. In this condition, I need to show the "-" sign in the parent checkbox instead of being empty. The current state of my implementation is shown in the snapshot showing the parent checkbox as empty.

enter image description here

Instead, I need this to show something like this:

enter image description here

The code I have for the HTML is below:

<md-select multiple placeholder="Data" class="card-dropdown" [(ngModel)]="selectedDatas" (ngModelChange)="onChange($event)">
            <ng-container *ngFor="let data of datas; let i=index">
                <md-option [value]="data.modified_data" [ngClass]="'one-indent'">{{ data.modified_data + " - " + data.description }}</md-option>
                <ng-container *ngFor="let data of datas[i]?.children; let j=index">
                    <md-option [value]="data.modified_data" [ngClass]="'two-indent'">{{ data.modified_data + " - " + data.description }}</md-option>
                    <ng-container *ngFor="let data of datas[i]?.children[j]?.children">
                        <md-option [value]="data.modified_data" [ngClass]="'three-indent'">{{ data.modified_data + " - " + data.description }}</md-option>


Can anyone kindly know me regarding the correct way to solve this problem?

Thanks in advance.


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