Async exec in python

I would like to call exec in an async function and do something like the following code (which is not valid):

import asyncio

async def f():
    await exec('x = 1\n' 'await asyncio.sleep(x)')


More precisely, I would like to be able to wait for the future inside the code that runs in exec.

How can this be achieved?


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5 answers

Note: F-strings are only supported in Python 3.6+. For older versions, use %s

, .format()

or classic +


async def aexec(code):
    # Make an async function with the code and 'exec' it
        f'async def __ex(): ' +
        ''.join(f'\n {l}' for l in code.split('\n'))

    # Get '__ex' from local variables, call it and return the result
    return await locals()['__ex']()


Known Issues:

  • If you use newlines in the string (triple quotes) it will mess up the formatting.


The problem is when you are trying to wait for None

object- exec

ignore the return value from your code and always return None

. If you want to execute and wait for the result, you must use eval

- eval

returns the value of the given expression.

Your code should look like this:

import asyncio

async def f():
    exec('x = 1')
    await eval('asyncio.sleep(x)')

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()




Thanks for all the suggestions. I figured this could be done with green asynchronous lines, as potions allow for a "high wait":

import greenlet
import asyncio

class GreenAwait:
    def __init__(self, child):
        self.current = greenlet.getcurrent()
        self.value = None
        self.child = child

    def __call__(self, future):
        self.value = future

    def __iter__(self):
        while self.value is not None:
            yield self.value
            self.value = None

def gexec(code):
    child = greenlet.greenlet(exec)
    gawait = GreenAwait(child)
    child.switch(code, {'gawait': gawait})
    yield from gawait

async def aexec(code):
    green = greenlet.greenlet(gexec)
    gen = green.switch(code)
    for future in gen:
        await future

# modified asyncio example from Python docs
CODE = ('import asyncio\n'
        'import datetime\n'

        'async def display_date():\n'
        '    for i in range(5):\n'
        '        print(\n'
        '        await asyncio.sleep(1)\n')

def loop():
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    loop.run_until_complete(aexec(CODE + 'gawait(display_date())'))




This is based on @YouTwitFace's answer, but keeps global variables intact, handles local variables better, and passes kwargs. Note that multi-line strings still do not retain their formatting. Perhaps you want this ?

async def aexec(code, **kwargs):
    # Don't clutter locals
    locs = {}
    # Restore globals later
    globs = globals().copy()
    args = ", ".join(list(kwargs.keys()))
    exec(f"async def func({args}):\n    " + code.replace("\n", "\n    "), {}, locs)
    # Don't expect it to return from the coro.
    result = await locs["func"](**kwargs)
        # Inconsistent state
    return result


It starts with rescuing the locals. It declares a function, but with a limited local namespace, so it doesn't affect things declared in the aexec helper. The function is called func

and we get access to the locs

exec locals result. locs["func"]

is what we want to accomplish, so we call it using **kwargs

from the aexec call, which moves those arguments to the local namespace. Then we wait for that and save as result

. Finally, we restore the locals and return the result.


Don't use this if there is any multi-threaded code regarding globals. Go to @YouTwitFace's answer which is simpler and thread-safe, or remove the global save / restore code



Here's a function using AST to do things. This means that multi-line strings will work perfectly and the line numbers will match the original statements. In addition, if the last "product" is an unused expression, it is returned as in Java lambdas.

async def meval(code, **kwargs):
    # Note to self: please don't set globals here as they will be lost.
    # Don't clutter locals
    locs = {}
    # Restore globals later
    globs = globals().copy()
    # This code saves __name__ and __package into a kwarg passed to the function. It is set before the users code runs to make sure $
    global_args = "_globs"
    while global_args in globs.keys():
        # Make sure there no name collision, just keep prepending _s
        global_args = "_"+global_args
    kwargs[global_args] = {}
    for glob in ["__name__", "__package__"]:
        # Copy data to args we are sending
        kwargs[global_args][glob] = globs[glob]

    root = parse(code, 'exec')
    code = root.body
    if isinstance(code[-1], Expr): # If we can use it as a lambda return (but multiline)
        code[-1] = copy_location(code[-1], Return(code[-1].value)) # Change it to a return statement
    args = []
    for a in list(map(lambda x: arg(x, None), kwargs.keys())):
        a.lineno = 0
        a.col_offset = 0
        args += [a]
    fun = AsyncFunctionDef('tmp', arguments(args=[], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=args, kwarg=None, defaults=[], kw_defaults=[None for i $
    fun.lineno = 0
    fun.col_offset = 0
    mod = Module([fun])
    comp = compile(mod, '<string>', 'exec')

    exec(comp, {}, locs)

    r = await locs["tmp"](**kwargs)
        # Inconsistent state
    return r


Update relative import fixes:

# We dont modify locals VVVV ; this lets us keep the message available to the user-provided function
async def meval(code, **kwargs):
    # Note to self: please don't set globals here as they will be lost.
    # Don't clutter locals
    locs = {}
    # Restore globals later
    globs = globals().copy()
    # This code saves __name__ and __package into a kwarg passed to the function.
    # It is set before the users code runs to make sure relative imports work
    global_args = "_globs"
    while global_args in globs.keys():
        # Make sure there no name collision, just keep prepending _s
        global_args = "_" + global_args
    kwargs[global_args] = {}
    for glob in ["__name__", "__package__"]:
        # Copy data to args we are sending
        kwargs[global_args][glob] = globs[glob]

    root = ast.parse(code, 'exec')
    code = root.body
    if isinstance(code[-1], ast.Expr):  # If we can use it as a lambda return (but multiline)
        code[-1] = ast.copy_location(ast.Return(code[-1].value), code[-1])  # Change it to a return statement
    # globals().update(**<global_args>)
    glob_copy = ast.Expr(ast.Call(func=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='globals', ctx=ast.Load()),
                                                                    args=[], keywords=[]),
                                                     attr='update', ctx=ast.Load()),
                                  args=[], keywords=[ast.keyword(arg=None,
                                                                 value=ast.Name(id=global_args, ctx=ast.Load()))]))
    glob_copy.lineno = 0
    glob_copy.col_offset = 0
    code.insert(0, glob_copy)
    args = []
    for a in list(map(lambda x: ast.arg(x, None), kwargs.keys())):
        a.lineno = 0
        a.col_offset = 0
        args += [a]
    fun = ast.AsyncFunctionDef('tmp', ast.arguments(args=[], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=args, kwarg=None, defaults=[],
                                                    kw_defaults=[None for i in range(len(args))]), code, [], None)
    fun.lineno = 0
    fun.col_offset = 0
    mod = ast.Module([fun])
    comp = compile(mod, '<string>', 'exec')

    exec(comp, {}, locs)

    r = await locs["tmp"](**kwargs)
        # Inconsistent state
    return r


This is all public domain, but I would appreciate a loan.



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