Typescript execute document.execCommand ('copy') after getting Http

I have a problem where I cannot execute document.execCommand ('copy') directly after a receive request (the request request is wrapped in a service that returns an Observable). I assume it is because the get request is an asynchronous call, so the event is no longer considered trusted.

I thought that I might wait for the service call ...

  async getBearerToken(username: string) {
    const token = await this._getTokenService.getToken('scopevar', username).first().toPromise();


But it didn't work.

Note that the _clipboard service just creates the textbox, inserts the DOM and sets the text, and then calls document.execCommand - it works when called directly from one button click, without any other asynchronous calls. I suppose I somehow need to make sure that this call and the previous call are on the same thread.

My understanding is that the job should be to do this in 2 steps, get the text, set it to the text area, and then force the user to click again - I'd rather do it right though. (this is just an internal application to grab user test tokens for testing)

So how can I achieve this without a nasty workaround?


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