Find all possible combinations of words in a given format
I have a dictionary 100,000 lines long:
I am now working on a script that will return all possible words that match a given format.
For example:
w([A,B,C]), w([B,C]), A \== B, A \== C, B \== C.
I found a source that makes all the variables different:
alldif([E|Es]) :-
maplist(dif(E), Es),
So now I am calling:
w([A,B,C]), w([B,C]), alldif([A,B,C]).
Now I want the variable A to be one of [a, e, i, o, t, l]. I can do this using:
member(A, [a,e,i,o,t,l]).
But it is faster (?) Using constraint programming with:
A in [a,e,i,o,t,l]
I'm stuck now. The idea was to generate all possible parameters in the .txt file line by line.
I was able to concatenate words into an operator using:
g([A,B,C], W1), g([B,C], W2), alldif([A,B,C]), buildStat([W1,W2], Statement).
g(Format, Word):-
list_to_set(Format, Uniques),
atomic_list_concat(Format, '', Atom), atom_string(Atom, Word).
insertSpaces([A], [A]).
insertSpaces([Word | Rest], OutWords):-
insertSpaces(Rest, OutWordsRest),
OutWords = [Word, " " | OutWordsRest].
buildStat(Words, Statement):-
insertSpaces(Words, OutWords),
with_output_to(atom(Statement), maplist(write, OutWords)).
But I don't know how to save all possible entries to a file line by line. Help would be appreciated.
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One simple trick to emit all solutions is forcing backtracking through false/0
For example, suppose you have a predicate that gives all backtracking solutions:
? - solution (S).
you can emit all solutions like this:
? - solution (S), print_solution (S), false .
where you should define print_solution/1
as you want the format you want.
For example, you can print solutions like this to standard output and then pipe the output to a file. The specifics of this depend on your Prolog system and might look like this:
$ prolog --goal 'ignore ((solution (S), portray_clause (S), false)), halt'> output.txt
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