How to handle user location on facebook? C # Botframework

I am developing a bot using Microsoft botframe in C #, which will be deployed to messenger.

Enabling the features I'm trying to enable displays points of interest around the users location. I found this curl request on facebooks development site.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "text":"Please share your location:",
}' ""


Appart from this I haven't found a way to specify when to send a request for users' location, nor a way to store the location so that I can use it to search nearby.

If anyone could point me in the right direction, I would be very grateful.

Here is a good example of what I am trying to replicate. Messenger asks for the user's location

User selected location Location has been sent to the bot, relative information is displayed

This is an example of what I am trying to replicate.

        public async Task Stores(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)
            var msg = "location";
            if (msg == "location")
                Lresult = result;
                await context.Forward(new FacebookLocationDialog(), ResumeAfter, msg, CancellationToken.None);
                await Stores(context, result);

        public async Task ResumeAfter(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable<Place> result)
            var place = await result;

            if (place != default(Place))
                var geo = (place.Geo as JObject)?.ToObject<GeoCoordinates>();
                if (geo != null)
                    var reply = context.MakeMessage();
                    reply.Attachments.Add(new HeroCard
                        Title = "Open your location in bing maps!",
                        Buttons = new List<CardAction> {
                            new CardAction
                                Title = "Your location",
                                Type = ActionTypes.OpenUrl,
                                Value = $"{geo.Latitude}~{geo.Longitude}&lvl=16&dir=0&sty=c&sp=point.{geo.Latitude}_{geo.Longitude}_You%20are%20here&ignoreoptin=1"


                    await context.PostAsync(reply);
                    await context.PostAsync("No GeoCoordinates!");
                await context.PostAsync("No location extracted!");


    public class FacebookLocationDialog : IDialog<Place>
        public async Task StartAsync(IDialogContext context)

        public virtual async Task MessageReceivedAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable<IMessageActivity> argument)
            var msg = await argument;
            if (msg.ChannelId == "facebook")
                var reply = context.MakeMessage();
                reply.ChannelData = new FacebookMessage
                    text: "Please share your location with me.",
                    quickReplies: new List<FacebookQuickReply>
                        // If content_type is location, title and payload are not used
                        // see
                        // for more information.
                        new FacebookQuickReply(
                            contentType: FacebookQuickReply.ContentTypes.Location,
                            title: default(string),
                            payload: default(string)
                await context.PostAsync(reply);

        public virtual async Task LocationReceivedAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable<IMessageActivity> argument)
            var msg = await argument;
            var location = msg.Entities?.Where(t => t.Type == "Place").Select(t => t.GetAs<Place>()).FirstOrDefault();


"context.Wait (Shops)"; in the ResumeAfter task, specifies "The type arguments for the IDialogStack.Wait method cannot be decommissioned."


source to share

2 answers

How to get location from Facebook Messenger

Have a look at the project BotBuilder-Location

on GitHub:

It seems like it can be used in your example (based on the example provided: )


You may be interested to learn in FacebookNativeLocationRetrieverDialog.cs


private async Task StartAsync(IDialogContext context, string message)
    var reply = context.MakeMessage();
    reply.ChannelData = new FacebookMessage
        text: message,
        quickReplies: new List<FacebookQuickReply>
                new FacebookQuickReply(
                    contentType: FacebookQuickReply.ContentTypes.Location,
                    title: default(string),
                    payload: default(string)

    await context.PostAsync(reply);


By the way, this was also in the example EchoBot

provided at BotBuilder

( )


public class MyFacebookLocationDialog : IDialog<Place>
    public async Task StartAsync(IDialogContext context)

    public async Task MessageReceivedAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable<IMessageActivity> argument)
        var msg = await argument;

        // Here we prepare the message on Facebook that will ask for Location
        if (msg.ChannelId == "facebook")
            var reply = context.MakeMessage();
            reply.ChannelData = new FacebookMessage
                text: "Please share your location with me.",
                quickReplies: new List<FacebookQuickReply>
                    // If content_type is location, title and payload are not used
                    // see
                    // for more information.
                    new FacebookQuickReply(
                        contentType: FacebookQuickReply.ContentTypes.Location,
                        title: default(string),
                        payload: default(string)
            await context.PostAsync(reply);

            // LocationReceivedAsync will be the place where we handle the result

    public async Task LocationReceivedAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable<IMessageActivity> argument)
        var msg = await argument;
        var location = msg.Entities?.Where(t => t.Type == "Place").Select(t => t.GetAs<Place>()).FirstOrDefault();

        // Printing message main content about location
        await context.PostAsync($"Location received: { Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(msg.Entities) }");

        // The result can be used then to do what you want, here in this sample it outputs a message with a link to Bing Maps centered on the position
        var geo = (location.Geo as JObject)?.ToObject<GeoCoordinates>();
        if (geo != null)
            var reply = context.MakeMessage();
            reply.Attachments.Add(new HeroCard
                Title = "Open your location in bing maps!",
                Buttons = new List<CardAction> {
                            new CardAction
                                Title = "Your location",
                                Type = ActionTypes.OpenUrl,
                                Value = $"{geo.Latitude}~{geo.Longitude}&lvl=16&dir=0&sty=c&sp=point.{geo.Latitude}_{geo.Longitude}_You%20are%20here&ignoreoptin=1"


            await context.PostAsync(reply);
            await context.PostAsync("No GeoCoordinates!");


Demo image: demo



The address that is sent as a message can be accessed from the Message Objects list:

"type": "message",
"id": "mid.$cAAUW791mzPBhksN19999990ORr",
"timestamp": "2017-04-12T09:28:30.812Z",
"serviceUrl": "",
"channelId": "facebook",
"from": {
    "id": "999999999999",
    "name": "StuartD"
"conversation": {
    "isGroup": false,
    "id": "999999999999-999999999999"
"recipient": {
    "id": "88888888888",
    "name": "Shhhh"
"attachments": [],
"entities": [{
    "type": "Place",
    "geo": {
        "elevation": 0.0,
        "latitude": 50.8249626159668,
        "longitude": -0.14287842810153961,
        "type": "GeoCoordinates"


And in the controller:

var location = message.Entities?.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Type == "Place");
if (location != null) 
     var latitude = location.Properties["geo"]?["latitude"]?.ToString();
     var longitude = location.Properties["geo"]?["longitude"]?.ToString();
// etc




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