Displaying the character to the console from the inside hlasm (370)

For fun, I am implementing brainfuck compilers translating bf to eg. x86. I am currently working on bf to build mainframes. The dialect is "HLASM" and the mainframe is one from IBM with 370.

In most cases, Sofar only works with a character output to the operator console: I get spaces, and it looks like an implicit line feed has been added (which I don't need).

Can anyone find my error?

* get a character to display
         LLGC  R6,0(R7)
* get a pointer to the buffer which will contain the char to displa
         LA    R5,BUFFER
* store character in buffer
         STC   R6,0(R5)
* get a pointer to the memory area describing the data to display
         LA    R1,MSGAREA
* invoke display char
         SVC   35

         DC    AL2(5)
         DC    XL2'00'
BUFFER   DC    C'!'



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1 answer

I would suggest writing SYSOUT


to give you the flexibility to run either in batch mode (highlighting SYSOUT

in yours JCL

) or interactively (highlighting SYSOUT

per terminal session, which I think is the default is TSO


[entry logic, initialization and so forth]


[exit logic]         

RECORD   DC    CL80' '   
SYSOUT   DCB   DDNAME=SYSOUT,                                          X
               DSORG=PS,                                               X
               MACRF=PM,                                               X
               RECFM=FB,                                               X


You might also want to look at TPUT, TGET, and TPG for I / O terminals if you are ok with linking your program runs exclusively in TSO. Terminal I / O is odd in a 3270 environment if you are streaming I / O like in Unix.


described here . OPEN

described here . PUT

documented here . CLOSE

documented here .



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