Copy files from remote server to Google Cloud Cloud
How to copy files from remote server to google bucket? For example,
gcloud compute scp username@server:/path/to/file gs://my-bucket
This method gives an error: All sources must be local files when destination is remote.
Also, gsutil only provides support for cp, not scp.
Thanks in advance!
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You can also directly execute the command gsutil
on your GCE VM (most VM images have the cloud SDK pre-installed). For example:
gcloud compute ssh user@server --zone my_zone \
--command='gsutil cp path/to/my_file gs://MY_BUCKET'
Note that for this to work, your service account associated with the VM must have an appropriate scope for GCS. If you run
gcloud beta compute instances describe my_instance --zone my_zone \
It will display a list of scopes set for the VM service account. Make sure you have
. If not, you can use
the set-scopes beta command to reset, or go to the console and edit the VM.
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