How to remove duplicate of any string starting and ending with quotes in javascript

I have below line in javascript:

var str = '"restoreState":                     "restoreState":0,';


duplicate substring "restoreState":

. I want to use regex to remove duplicate substring. I tried the code below but didn't work:

var re = str.replace(/([a-zA-Z]).*?\1/, '')


conclusion "\"eState\": \"restoreState\":0,"

. How do I remove this with regular expressions? what is wrong with my regex?

I am looking for a common strings solution. Remove the duplicate part of the string, if it has a different option, do nothing in the string. For examepl:

"restoreState": "restoreState":0,

=> "restoreState":0,

"restoreState": 0

=> "restoreState": 0


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2 answers

Based on comments:

function dedupe(str) {
    return str.replace(/("[^"]+")(?=.*\1)/g, '')
console.log(dedupe('"foo": "bar", "bar": "foo"'));
console.log(dedupe('"foo": { "foo": "bar" }'));
console.log(dedupe('"foo": "bar": "foo": "bar": 0'));
console.log(dedupe('"foo": "baz", "bar": "baz"'));
console.log(dedupe('"foo": 17, "bar": 17'));

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Capture a string: quote, any number of non-quotes, quote. Make sure there is one more. If so, replace it with nothing.




This should remove duplicate words with alpha characters



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