Read specific columns from hdf5 file and pass conditions

I only want to read specific columns from the HDF5 file and the conditions for passing those columns. My concern is that I don't want to fetch the entire HDF5 file as an in-memory dataframe. I only want to get my required columns with my conditions.

columns=['col1', 'col2']
condition= "col2==1"
with pd.HDFStore(Hdf5File, mode='r', format='table') as store:
     if groupname in store:
        df=pd.read_hdf(store, key=groupname, columns=columns, where=["col2==1"])


I am getting the error:

TypeError: Cannot pass column specification when reading store format fix. this store must be selected entirely

Then I use the bottom row, which only returns specific columns:



But I don't know how I can handle it.


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1 answer

To be able to read HDF5 files conditionally, they must be saved in the format table

and the corresponding columns must be indexed.


df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(100,5), columns=list('abcde'))
df.to_hdf('c:/temp/file.h5', 'df_key', format='t', data_columns=True)

In [10]: pd.read_hdf('c:/temp/file.h5', 'df_key', where="a > 0.5 and a < 0.75")
           a         b         c         d         e
3   0.744123  0.515697  0.005335  0.017147  0.176254
5   0.555202  0.074128  0.874943  0.660555  0.776340
6   0.667145  0.278355  0.661728  0.705750  0.623682
8   0.701163  0.429860  0.223079  0.735633  0.476182
14  0.645130  0.302878  0.428298  0.969632  0.983690
15  0.633334  0.898632  0.881866  0.228983  0.216519
16  0.535633  0.906661  0.221823  0.608291  0.330101
17  0.715708  0.478515  0.002676  0.231314  0.075967
18  0.587762  0.262281  0.458854  0.811845  0.921100
21  0.551251  0.537855  0.906546  0.169346  0.063612
..       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...
68  0.610958  0.874373  0.785681  0.147954  0.966443
72  0.619666  0.818202  0.378740  0.416452  0.903129
73  0.500782  0.536064  0.697678  0.654602  0.054445
74  0.638659  0.518900  0.210444  0.308874  0.604929
76  0.696883  0.601130  0.402640  0.150834  0.264218
77  0.692149  0.963457  0.364050  0.152215  0.622544
85  0.737854  0.055863  0.346940  0.003907  0.678405
91  0.644924  0.840488  0.151190  0.566749  0.181861
93  0.710590  0.900474  0.061603  0.144200  0.946062
95  0.601144  0.288909  0.074561  0.615098  0.737097

[33 rows x 5 columns]



If you are unable to modify the HDF5 file, consider the following method:

In [13]: df = pd.concat([x.query("0.5 < a < 0.75")
                         for x in pd.read_hdf('c:/temp/file.h5', 'df_key', chunksize=10)],

In [14]: df
           a         b         c         d         e
0   0.744123  0.515697  0.005335  0.017147  0.176254
1   0.555202  0.074128  0.874943  0.660555  0.776340
2   0.667145  0.278355  0.661728  0.705750  0.623682
3   0.701163  0.429860  0.223079  0.735633  0.476182
4   0.645130  0.302878  0.428298  0.969632  0.983690
5   0.633334  0.898632  0.881866  0.228983  0.216519
6   0.535633  0.906661  0.221823  0.608291  0.330101
7   0.715708  0.478515  0.002676  0.231314  0.075967
8   0.587762  0.262281  0.458854  0.811845  0.921100
9   0.551251  0.537855  0.906546  0.169346  0.063612
..       ...       ...       ...       ...       ...
23  0.610958  0.874373  0.785681  0.147954  0.966443
24  0.619666  0.818202  0.378740  0.416452  0.903129
25  0.500782  0.536064  0.697678  0.654602  0.054445
26  0.638659  0.518900  0.210444  0.308874  0.604929
27  0.696883  0.601130  0.402640  0.150834  0.264218
28  0.692149  0.963457  0.364050  0.152215  0.622544
29  0.737854  0.055863  0.346940  0.003907  0.678405
30  0.644924  0.840488  0.151190  0.566749  0.181861
31  0.710590  0.900474  0.061603  0.144200  0.946062
32  0.601144  0.288909  0.074561  0.615098  0.737097

[33 rows x 5 columns]




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