Submit date parameter for your own request

The user can perform actions based on the value of the entry. When this value is "DAILY", I would like to get all the daily activities that have not been completed in the last 24 hours.

Working SQL query:

SELECT distinct a.* FROM action as a LEFT OUTER JOIN history as h
ON = h.action_id
AND h.user_id= <user> WHERE a.occurrence = 'DAILY' AND ( is NULL OR h.entry_date < TIMESTAMP 'yesterday')


Equivalent original query:

@Query(value = 
        "SELECT distinct a.* FROM action a "
        + "LEFT OUTER JOIN history h "
        + "ON = h.action_id "
        + "AND h.user_id = :userId "
        + "WHERE a.occurrence='DAILY' AND ( IS NULL OR h.entry_date < :yesterday) ", nativeQuery = true)
public List<Action> findAllAvailableActions(@Param("userId") Long userId, @Param("yesterday") ZonedDateTime yesterday);


What is it called in my service:

ZonedDateTime today =;
ZonedDateTime yesterday = today.minus(1,ChronoUnit.DAYS);
Long userId = userDTO.getId();
List<Action> result = actionRepositoryCustom.findAllAvailableActions(userId, yesterday);


However, I am getting wrong results in my tests (returned actions have already been returned). I'm afraid it has to do with the date parameter. The entry_date attribute is declared as ZoneDateTime in my entity. What am I doing wrong?

sleep mode: 5.2.4


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1 answer

You cannot pass ZonedDateTime to native SQL query. You need to convert it to Calendar:

@Query(value = 
    "SELECT distinct a.* FROM action a "
    + "LEFT OUTER JOIN history h "
    + "ON = h.action_id "
    + "AND h.user_id = :userId "
    + "WHERE a.occurrence='DAILY' AND ( IS NULL OR h.entry_date < :yesterday)", nativeQuery = true)
public List<Action> findAllAvailableActions(@Param("userId") Long userId, @Param("yesterday") Calendar yesterday);


And you can transform your ZonedDateTime like this:

public Calendar convertToDatabaseColumn(ZonedDateTime entityAttribute) {
    if (entityAttribute == null) {
        return null;

    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    return calendar;


This approach is described here: link



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