How do I sort columns in a strip in ascending order?

I have created a graph using matplotlib.pyplot and nautical libraries. How can I sort the columns in ascending order according to Speed

? I want to see lanes with the lowest speed on the left and the highest speed on the right.

df =
    Id         Speed
    1          30
    1          35 
    1          31
    2          20
    2          25
    3          80

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

%matplotlib inline

result = df.groupby(["Id"])['Speed'].aggregate(np.median).reset_index()

norm = plt.Normalize(df["Speed"].values.min(), df["Speed"].values.max())
colors =["Speed"])) 

sns.barplot(x="Id", y="Speed", data=gr_vel_1, palette=colors)
plt.ylabel('Speed', fontsize=12)
plt.xlabel('Id', fontsize=12)



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Or just try sort_values ​​("Speed") after combining them.

EDIT: so you need to do this:

result = a.groupby(["Id"])['Speed'].aggregate(np.median).reset_index().sort_values('Speed')


and in sns.barplot add the order:

sns.barplot(x='Id', y="Speed", data=a, palette=colors, order=result['Id'])




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