`length:` doesn't apply to row column with PostgreSQL?

In this table:

create_table "peripherals", id: :serial, force: :cascade do |t|
  t.string "label", limit: 280


I am limiting the field to label

280 characters. I am using PostgreSQL as my database.

This entry is stored in the database without any exception, even if it is longer than 280 characters:

Peripheral.create!(label:  ("X" * 700))


Why doesn't my 280 limit apply?


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1 answer

I just tested this and the DB validation worked, but its good practice with ruby ​​on rails to remove this validation and move it into the model. from the model it becomes much easier to find and update, and you also have a number of other things you can do besides just checking the

class Peripheral < ApplicationRecord
  validates_length_of :label, :maximum => 280 # there shouls be no more than 280 characters
  #validates_length_of :label, :minimum => 2 # there shouls be no less than 2 characters
  #validates_length_of :label, :in => 2..280 # the number of character should be between 2 and 280
  #validates_length_of :label, :is => 280 # The number of character should be exacly 280


you can find more details on validates-length-of



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