Firebase Wildcard Security Rules

I have a data structure like this:

enter image description here

How can I access the value /Restaurant/-KK37k6g5cYYippEHpZ3/User/-KK37k6g5cYYippEHpZ4/id

in firebase security rules? The two button keys must be wildcards. I need something like this:

"Restaurant": {
        "$id": {
            ".read": "auth.uid != null",
            ".write": "data.child($id).child('User').child($anotherWildcard).child('id').val() === auth.uid"  



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1 answer

Not sure if I fully understood what you are asking for, but here are my thoughts.

The first problem with your rule is that you specify child($id)

, but you are already inside $id

. your data

implies what you mean $id


You don't need any other template to solve your main problem. You can just use hasChild

to check if is auth.uid

inside restaurant/user


"Restaurant": {
   "$id": {
      ".read": "auth.uid != null",
      ".write": "auth.uid != null && data.child('User').hasChild(auth.uid)"




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