Neo4j returns all nodes and relationships that exist in a specific subgraph

I would like to point to a node and return all relationships that node has, along with any other relationships that connect the rest of the nodes.

An example of what I would like to return is:

Eric, PARENT_OF, Mia
Eric, PARENT_OF, Peter
Mia, SIBLING_OF, Peter
Mia, SPOUSE_OF, Mark


Assuming the specified node is equal Eric

, they should return all relationships that are directly related to it, as well as relationships that are not related to Eric

, but related to some of its connected nodes.


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1 answer

I simulated your scenario with this dataset:

CREATE (eric:Person {name:'Eric'})
CREATE (mia:Person {name:'Mia'})
CREATE (peter:Person {name:'Peter'})
CREATE (mark:Person {name:'Mark'})
CREATE (eric)-[:PARENT_OF]->(mia)
CREATE (eric)-[:PARENT_OF]->(peter)
CREATE (mia)-[:SIBLING_OF]->(peter)
CREATE (mia)-[:SPOUSE_OF]->(mark)


The following query should work to achieve your goal:

MATCH (root:Person {name:'Eric'})-[r*1..3]->(a:Person)
RETURN DISTINCT startNode(rs).name, type(rs), endNode(rs).name


As a result:





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