Hex wrapper in powershell object

I am trying to get hex output. This code:

    get-wmiobject -class "Win32_LoggedOnUser" -namespace "root\CIMV2" -Property * | `
      Select @{Name="Antecedent";Expression={$_.Antecedent.Split('=').replace("`"","")[2]}}, `


Creates two columns, login and logonID as follows:

Antecedent      Dependent
----------      ----------
SYSTEM          999      
LOCAL SERVICE   997      
<user>          347528   
<user>          6842494  
<user>          46198354 
<user>          46171169 
DWM-2           223575   
DWM-2           223551  


Event Viewer uses the hexadecimal representation of the logonID, for example "SYSTEM" would be represented by 0x3e7 versus 999 or in PowerShell

 ps> '{0:x}' -f 999


I am trying to match this.

I'm trying to do something along these lines:

    get-wmiobject -class "Win32_LoggedOnUser" -namespace "root\CIMV2" -Property * | `
      Select @{Name="Antecedent";Expression={$_.Antecedent.Split('=').replace("`"","")[2]}}, `
      @{Name="Dependent";Expression={'{0:x}' -f $_.Dependent.Split("`"")[1]}}


But no luck yet.


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3 answers


is a string method. So the output $_.Dependent.Split()

will be [string]

and you want to convert from int

to hex

. Thus, before converting, you will want to go to int

. A quick look Dependent

also looks like the numbers are too big for [int32]

, so it [int64]

will be better. Also, as @LotPings pointed out, you will want to add a prefix 0x

to the formatting string.

 Get-WmiObject -Class "Win32_LoggedOnUser" -Namespace "root\CIMV2" -Property Antecedent,Dependent |
      Select @{
           Name = 'Antecedent'
           Expression = {$_.Antecedent.Split('=').replace('"','')[2]}
      }, @{
           Name = 'Dependent'
           Expression = {'0x{0:x}' -f [int64]$_.Dependent.Split('"')[1]}




Final code updated from @LotPings and @BenH

get-wmiobject -class "Win32_LoggedOnUser" -namespace "root\CIMV2" -Property * | `
  Select @{Name="Antecedent";Expression={$_.Antecedent.Split('=').replace("`"","")[2]}}, `
  @{Name="Dependent";Expression={'0x{0:x}' -f [int64]$_.Dependent.Split("`"")[1]}}




Here's one way to do what I think you want to do:

Get-WmiObject Win32_LogonSession | ForEach-Object {
  [PSCustomObject] @{
    "Account" = $_.GetRelated("Win32_Account").Name
    "LogonId" = "{0:X}" -f ([Int] $_.LogonId)


It looks like the property LogonId

is a string, so you need to specify how Int

. You can add a prefix if needed 0x




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