Angular4 router, Lazy loaded child route modules called routers

I have a strange question. I need to configure the secondary routers to be the root routing elements of my lazy loaded modules, which have url settings in the application routing module. The explanation seems a bit tricky, but I'll try to explain it.

My app routing has this

     path: 'management',
     loadChildren: 'app/management-tool/management-tool.module#ManagementToolModule',
     canActivate: [AuthGuardService]


this means that all routes of the control tool must start with


Now in the management module, I need the main content to appear on the secondary router socket called "managementtoolcontent". For this I have 2 test routes, one of which works for me.

The management tool routing is as follows.

const routes: Routes = [
        path: '',
        component: ManagementToolComponent,
        children: [
                path: 'overview',
                component: ManagementToolMarketingComponent,
                outlet: 'managementtoolcontent'
                path: 'products',
                component: ManagementToolMarketingComponent,
                outlet: 'managementtoolcontent'
        path: 'test',
        component: ManagementToolComponent,
        children: [
                path: 'overview',
                component: ManagementToolMarketingComponent,
                outlet: 'managementtoolcontent'
                path: 'products',
                component: ManagementToolMarketingComponent,
                outlet: 'managementtoolcontent'


as you can see, the empty route "route" and "test" both have the same children. I also have a router output setup.

<router-outlet name="managementtoolcontent"></router-outlet>


What I think is the problem with the officer?

I need the route "/ management / overview" to open the ManagementToolMarketingComponent on my secondary outlet, but this routerLink is giving me an undefined route error

[routerLink]="['/management', {outlets: {managementtoolcontent: ['overview']}}]"


However, this work is totally beautiful.

[routerLink]="['/management/test', {outlets: {managementtoolcontent: ['overview']}}]"


My question is, why do I need to add an extra url segment ('/ test') to the mix so that I have secondary routers? What, gods, am I doing wrong here?


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1 answer

Are all fake loaded routes showing up on the secondary outlet? If so, you can try adding an output to the lazy loaded route config:

     path: 'management',
     loadChildren: 'app/management-tool/managementtool.module#ManagementToolModule',
     canActivate: [AuthGuardService],
     outlet: 'managementtoolcontent'




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