How to do COUNT (*) with GROUP BY in Kotlin?

Let's say that I have a list of objects of the following class.

class Contact(
    val name: String
    // ...


I would like to get Map<String, Int>

one that maps the name to the number of its occurrences.

In a SQL database, I would query:

SELECT name, count(*) FROM Contact;


What's the best way to do this in Kotlin with higher order functions?


source to share

2 answers

If the contacts are of type List<Contact>

, you can do the following:

val numOccurencesMap = contacts.groupingBy { }.eachCount()



will be of type Map<String, Int>




        val contacts = ArrayList<Contact>()
        val occurences: Map<String, Int>
        occurences = contacts.groupingBy { }.eachCount()




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